Dramface Podcast


Some of us half-hoped this would happen. As we sat around to describe Dramface in our first ‘podcast’ it was such fun we decided that, if the community responded well, we’d go for it. Make it a regular thing. Ask our readership to consider becoming a listenership, let’s say.

Dramface Members get these podcasts a few days early but they’ll appear here afterwards. You can also catch them on most other popular podcast services.

Dramface Podcast Gregor McWee Dramface Podcast Gregor McWee

Podcast Thirty One

An appropriate response was necessary. When something of this magnitude happens amongst the Dramface team, we need to speak up. We're of course speaking of the 1,000 review mark. Nothing to do with a rival podcast.

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Dramface Podcast Gregor McWee Dramface Podcast Gregor McWee

Dramface Podcast Twenty Eight

Dramface Podcast Season 3: Episode 28. This was another recoded a while ago. We’ve been eeking it out as everyone involved is pressed for time these days - and synching up to record has proved challenging. Must try harder - we know. Stay tuned!

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